Ecopackaging | Tila Airplant
Tillandsia Xerographica is an attractive and exotic plant that belongs to the Bromeliad family (commonly known as an Air Plant) and whose most remarkable characteristic relies on the fact that it does not have a root, making the plant independent from soil. Tillandsias are able to absorb nourishment from atmospheric moisture through their leaves; they should only be watered once a week. Nowadays the packaging of the plant is lacking user experience through a contradictory material (plastic bag).
Our challenge was to create, not only an eco packaging to protect and transport the plant, but also to increase the exposure of the plant in the nursery shop through the creation of a support. That said, the life cycle of the packaging adds value to the “object” and the gift overall. As a solution, our main goal was to maintain the essence of the product, thusly we chose air as the primary element to sustain it’s pack. We decided to construct it with the use of a single cardboard structure and with a small recycled PET thread that suspends the plant in the air. The materials chosen are both recycled and recyclable. It was specifically designed to not waste any material, therefore promoting the ease of assembly and the elimination of adhesives. In that same sense, branding elements are laser cut into the packaging, ridding the product of the need to use other kinds of printing methods.
It is an aesthetic, multifunctional product that speaks for itself and that owns a unique personality. It holds intrinsic value and provides the user with an experience, while increasing the exposure and knowledge of this widely unknown and fantastic plant. We decided to call her: Tila.