Grab & Bake offers frozen cookie dough in two versions ideal for an activity with children in the afternoon, an easy and fun sweet treat, or a solution to a homemade dessert that you can cook in a very short time.
Grab & Bake, as its naming suggests, proposes an easy, fast and fun solution to make delicious cookies at home that you can customize. We are facing a reality where time is our most valuable asset, so we wanted to highlight in the packaging precisely the attributes of time, and of course, fun.
What's better than the smell of fresh baked cookies at home?
The packaging materials are cardboard and injected PET cap for a better preservation of the cookie dough.
We wanted to create an attractive and stimulating packaging that not only drew attention to kids but to older people too. With the colors selected and the layout our aim was to create a packaging that would pop out on the fridge shelves because of its unique, unexpected and fun look.

Produced Project Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Client: Grab & Bake
Strategist: Leonor Casas.
Brand & Packaging Designer: Paola Parodi. - Ganbarō Sudio.